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Recommend a Candidate

From time to time, our partner schools recommend teachers and support staff to us. That's why we've extended our Recommend a Friend scheme to all our schools. Any time you recommend a teacher or member of support staff to Step Teachers, your school and the person being recommended will get an Amazon voucher worth £100. You can even choose to have a £100 credit note off your next invoice if you prefer. For more, information, speak to your consultant.

Not a School?

Then you can recommend a friend here by clicking this button: Recommend a Friend

Terms and Conditions

- Partial Days: If your friend works part of a day, their days count as half a day, not a full day.
- Entitlement Conditions: You will not receive a Recommend a Friend (RAF) reward if:
- Your friend is not interviewed within 90 days of their application being sent.
- They have not worked within 180 days of their interview date.
- They have not worked 15 days within 360 days of their interview date.
- You or Step Teachers decide not to proceed.

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